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Knowledge of furniture safety

1. Volatile oils, such as gasoline, alcohol, banana water, etc., are easy to cause fire. Do not store a large amount of them at home.

2. The grime and oil pollution in the kitchen should be removed at any time. Special attention should be paid to the fume ventilation pipe, and the wire gauze cover should be installed to reduce the grease into the ventilation pipe. Kitchen walls, ceilings, cooktops, etc., should use fire-resistant materials. If possible, keep a small dry fire extinguisher in the kitchen.

3. If the Windows of the building are wired, leave a trapdoor that can be opened when needed. Windows should always be locked to prevent burglars from getting in.

4. Before going to bed and going out every day, you should check whether the electrical appliances and gas in your home are turned off and whether the open flame is extinguished. Read the instructions for all appliances in your home carefully and follow the instructions. Especially electric heaters, electric water heaters and other large power appliances.

5. Make sure the door is equipped with a burglar proof door chain and cannot be removed from the outside. Don’t hide your keys outside the door where you feel safe. If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, arrange your newspaper and mailbox so that no one will find you alone for an extended period of time. If you leave home for a period of time at night, leave lights in the house.

Post time: Sep-14-2022